REPORT MARCH April 13th – May 12th
invention statement has not changed since last month. We are using
a conveyor belt and have the glass go through three different
segments. The glasses will be placed on the conveyor belt first.
They will then go through stage one, where the glasses go through UVC
rays. Stage two is where a sanitizing liquid will be sprayed on the glasses,
and finally stage three is where the glasses will be dried with computer fans.
This is a simpler alternative to our previous plan.
the last month, we have completely completed our infrastructure. We have the
entire device working; we just have to tweak some codes to make WASH3D much
more automatic. Texas Instruments have been generously helping us out by checking
up with our project and helping us with anything we need. Shot out to our
mentors at Texas Instruments! We also had our final review which went really
well and we were able to show some demos of how WASH3D works.
We have begun our bacteria testing on the active 3D glasses. Two of the 12 glasses had a bacteria count of 10 Bacteria/square inch whereas the other glasses had a bacteria count between 100- 10,000 Bacteria/square inch. Now that we are done with the device we can run the glasses through and see how much bacteria WASH3D can get rid of.
We have begun our bacteria testing on the active 3D glasses. Two of the 12 glasses had a bacteria count of 10 Bacteria/square inch whereas the other glasses had a bacteria count between 100- 10,000 Bacteria/square inch. Now that we are done with the device we can run the glasses through and see how much bacteria WASH3D can get rid of.
plans for the upcoming month are to get WASH3D to work fully automated; this is
strictly focusing on the code and getting everything on the device finalized.
We will also be completing our bacteria testing! As we are approaching EurekaFest,
we have a lot of paperwork, surveys, and presentation layouts that we need to
complete. We would also like to celebrate the hard work that all the team
members have put into the success of WASH3D. We will also be working on the
brochure and other materials needed for our layout for Eureka Fest. We will
slowly begin preparing a small video as well to have at our table during our
presentation. We will be painting our project as well!
will be contacting Palladium again to see if they would be willing to test out
our device at their theaters. We are keeping up with our mentors so they can
see how much we have accomplished. We are still trying to get the news channels
to contact us so we can show off our device and talk about it to create a
better awareness in our community.
team has been working well together. Everyone has been communicating well and
we have gotten allot accomplished. We are looking forward to head out to Eureka
Fest as well as the end of the school year!
will be painting our project so any design suggestions would be greatly
appreciated. We are looking forward to EurekaFest!
----------------------------------------------------------EHS INVENTEAM MONTHLY REPORT MARCH 5th – April 12th
Our invention
statement has not changed since last month.
We are using a conveyor belt and have the glass go through three
different segments. The glasses will be placed on the conveyor belt first. They
will then go through stage one, where the glasses go through UVC rays. Stage
two is where a sanitizing liquid will be sprayed on the glasses, and finally
stage three is where the glasses will be dried with computer fans. This is a
simpler alternative to our previous plan.
In the last
month, we have essentially almost completed our infrastructure. We only have a
few more parts to add/secure and then we will be done with the prototype. The
electrical team has been finishing up the coding that is needed behind this
project. Texas Instruments have been generously helping us out by giving us the
Beagle Bone and MSP430G2 launch pad to work with. They have also helped us with
public relations and several of our internship mentors have been mentors for
this project as well.
We have all the necessary materials needed for our bacteria testing. We have found an incubator in our chemistry lab, which will also allow us to test the UVC lamps. We decided on using fluorescent lamps inside our prototype as a safety precaution and just show how the light is not flowing out anywhere in our project. We are super excited at how much we have been able to accomplish in the last month.
We have all the necessary materials needed for our bacteria testing. We have found an incubator in our chemistry lab, which will also allow us to test the UVC lamps. We decided on using fluorescent lamps inside our prototype as a safety precaution and just show how the light is not flowing out anywhere in our project. We are super excited at how much we have been able to accomplish in the last month.
Our plans for
the upcoming month are to finish the infrastructure and the electrical
components of the project. With the assistance from TI, we should be able to
finish that before the next month. We need to obtain the newer passive glasses
from the Palladium to conduct our bacteria testing as well as come up with what
type of statistical test we would like to use for our analysis. We will be
preparing for our final review which will be April 26th. We will
slowly begin preparing a video presentation for Eureka Fest as well.
We are planning
a silent auction and selling raffle tickets at for our fundraising activities
and trying to have some companies sponsor us. We will be contacting local news
channels to publish our story as well as get the community involved in our
fundraisers. We will be sending out letters to local engineering companies,
local alumni’s, and movie theaters for their assistance and presence at our
next review. We also had the opportunity to take our coding team to Texas
Instruments to have some mentors help them out!
The team has
been working well together. Everyone has been communicating well and we have
gotten allot accomplished. We are looking forward to getting the project done
soon and head out to Eureka Fest!
We are trying to
get people to come out and help us build since we are only a few months away.
We also need help with fundraising for our airfare for Eureka Fest. We also
need a lot of people to show up to our review in order for our silent auction
and raffle to work well.
main change in our invention statement is that we will now be using a conveyor belt and have the glass go through three different segments. The glasses will
be placed on the conveyor belt first. They will then go through stage one,
where the glasses go through UVC rays. Stage two is where a sanitizing liquid
will be sprayed on the glasses, and finally stage three is where the glasses
will be dried with computer fans. This is a simpler alternative to our previous
the last month, we have created our frame and ordered all the remaining
necessary items for our project. We had the electrical team figure out how to
work the conveyor belt part of the treadmill and though it was moving
backwards, it works. We can easily fix the small problem though. We also tested
the alcohol on some plastic glasses to come up with the right dilution of water
per alcohol. It was interesting to see how some of the glasses completed melted
with this alcohol. However after a few rusty trials, we obtained a working
combination. We have recently been in contact with a few solutions companies to
see if they would be willing to help us with the bacteria testing. We will get
all the necessary testing done during spring break. We have also decided on
using a Beagle Bone, a TI device, to work the programming through. We have also
been in contact with an MIT Alumni and a chemist to see if they can offer some
plans for the upcoming month are to finish the infrastructure so we can move on
the electrical components of our project. We will be completing our bacteria
testing this month so we can have some more numerical data. We will also begin
planning for our next review in April and using the flaws we had from the
mid-review to help make this review better. We will slowly begin preparing a
video presentation for Eureka Fest as well.
are planning a silent auction and selling raffle tickets at for our fundraising
activities and trying to have some companies sponsor us. We will be contacting
local news channels to publish our story as well as get the community involved
in our fundraisers. We will be sending out letters to local engineering
companies, local alumni’s, and movie theaters for their assistance and presence
at our next review.
team has been working together, but we have run into a few problems with some
members. Naturally, a team is meant to have a few problems in functioning
together but we try our best to not let that affect the progress of our
project. We do this by holding small team meetings where we can discuss our
comments and concerns with the project/team members.
of now, we need help with building the product and bacteria testing. We are
trying to get people to come out and help us build since we are only a few
months away. We also need help with fundraising for our airfare for Eureka
main change in our invention statement is that we will now be using a conveyor belt
and have the glass go through three different segments. The glasses will be
placed on the conveyor belt first. They will then go through stage one, where a
sanitizing liquid will be sprayed on the glasses. Stage two is where the
glasses go through UVC rays, and finally stage three is where the glasses will
be dried with computer fans. This is a simpler alternative to our previous
the last month, the team has finally decided on a design and has gotten an idea
on how to build WASH3D. We bought the necessary materials and they have all
been shipped so we can start building this month. We explained the new design
to all the members and then split everyone up into three groups. The three
groups consist of support, frame, and electrical. The group has also worked on
better communication skills and getting organized. We finally started the build
process and are super excited to continue and finish this project soon!
plans for the upcoming month are to finish ordering remaining materials and
continue building. We want to be at least halfway done with the product by the
mid review. This means we need to get the structure built so at the review we
could manually show the process. We will start sending our letters to companies
for sponsorship as well as coming out to our mid review. We will begin planning
for our two fundraisers by contacting companies to see if they are willing to
donate gift cards or items. At this moment, it is crucial for our team to stay
on task and schedule.
are planning a silent auction and selling raffle tickets at our mid review or
afterwards for our fundraising activities. We will be contacting local news
channels to publish our story as well as get the community involved in our
fundraisers. We will be sending out letters to local engineering companies to
come support us at our mid review.
team has been working well together. We have broken into sub groups that will
work on one of the three stages. We have been holding general meetings every
Tuesday and Thursday along with the officers/leads working throughout the week.
We have decided to order food for the long hour build meetings as well. The only
aspect the team needs to work on is staying organized and staying on track with
of now, we need help with building the product. We are trying to get people to
come out and mentor us on coding and building.
The main change in our invention
statement is that we will now be using a foaming agent to get rid of bacteria
and clean these glasses instead of steam. We decided on using a foaming agent since
it would be much easier to work with, are easily available and has fewer health
hazards with teenage contact.
In the last month, the team has
been able to narrow down the cleaning process to using a foaming agent instead
of the various other processes we were debating on. The group has also worked
on better communication skills and getting organized. We have just started
ordering some materials due to some delay with the arrival of the card and debates
with what materials to buy. According to our goals we should have already
ordered some products and started our bacteria culturing. We haven’t met the
monthly spending goal yet but we will be catching up to it soon and the budget
hasn’t changed much rather than getting rid of the steam products and replacing
them with foaming agents. The team
has had several issues with communicating amongst each other and has been
resolved with a serious meeting on how to communicate with others and treat
everyone in a fair respectable manner.
Our plans for the upcoming month
are to finish ordering the materials so we can start building our frame, get
the results from the bacteria culturing to see which foaming agent to use for
our cleaning process, and start planning for our two fundraisers. Since this
month and the upcoming month are filled with holiday breaks and mid terms it is
highly essential that everyone follows the schedule to get things done in a
timely fashion. If we do not meet these goal we will be fairly behind on our
building process and members will have to take time off from their winter break
to make up for the lost time.
We have meet with the
communications lead at TI, Suzette, to discuss proper email and presentation etiquette.
We have yet to hear back from Rice to see if they will be willing to help us
with the bacteria culturing. We are planning a silent auction and selling
raffle tickets during mid January for our fundraiser activities. We will be
contacting local news channels to publish our story as well as get the
community involved in our fundraisers. We have already had our story published
in: Elkins School Newspaper, FBISD Homepage, Houston Chronicle, and Fort Bend
STAR Newspaper.
The team has started to work
together and have worked out a plan on how to continue to work together. We
have been holding general meetings every Tuesday along with the officers/leads
working throughout the week. Since the break is coming up many of the members
will be busy with the holiday flow so it is highly needed that the members
communicate amongst each other through the group me or through email to make
sure each person is getting something done.
As of now, everything is going
well. We are just looking for mentors that can come help us build and later on
program our project.