Saturday, April 26, 2014

EHS InvenTeam Final Review!

On April 26th we held our final review and it was very successful! We had about 50 people show up and listen to our presentation and go through our stations. We were even able to show a demo of how WASH3D really works! Check out our presentation on YouTube! A big thank you to everyone who showed up and to the team for working so hard these last couple of months!

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Coding Team Meets with Texas Instruments

Left-to-Right: Sarmistha S., David L., Zain C., Trey G., Iraz T.

On Tuesday April 14th, members from our coding team had the opportunity to meet with some Texas Instruments workers, our mentors. They were able to ask questions and get the issues they were having clarified.  At the meeting, the mentors gave us advice such as using a button instead of a computer, using a charger like system instead of using a laptop, using LED lights to indicate high or low loads, as well as figuring out what voltage, current and/or power all the outputs need.  The team has been suggested to create a schematic so the mentors get a better idea on how to help out. They are also insisted on creating a report soon and letting TI know how well the products are working out for them. In addition to the meeting, the team got a tour as well as extra materials!

Thursday, April 10, 2014

Texas Instrument Products!


Beagle Bone (shown to the left)
The Beagle Bone is a card sized Linux computer that connects to the Internet and runs various types of software. We will be using the Beagle Bone to run the motor and the remaining mechanical aspects of WASH3D! Thank you TI for letting us use the Beagle Bone!

MSP430-G2 (shown to the right)
The MSP430 G2 is a TI Launchpad. This device can be used to control various objects such as LEDs and speakers. For our project we are using the G2 to controll the UV lights and the computer fans.  Our team members who intern at TI were able to obtain these products. Thanks Texas Instruments for all your help! J